Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Activity 我的活動: Lecture at Nan-Hai Art Center 2008.3.26

Picture 1: Sometimes I did the mounting myself.
圖片1: 有時我會自己托畫.

Picture 2: Audiences were very interested in the detail.
圖片2: 講座中現場觀眾聚精會神的凝聽細節解說.

Entering the interesting World of Chinese Brush and the Art of Mounting

Press Release

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
Location: Nan-Hai Art CenterAddress: 510 Broadway, #300, Millbrae, CA 94030
Topic:Entering the interesting World of Chinese-Ink Painting and the Art of Mounting

Chinese-Ink painting is among the oldest and most original artistic expressions in the history of art development in the world. In addition to its historical standing in world arts, Chinese-Ink painting also possesses uniquely distinctive skills, combining inner wisdom with worldly creativity.

In order for art lovers in the San Francisco Bay to gain knowledge of the creative process of Chinese-Ink and to fully enjoy the exhibition “Acclamation-Affinity of Four Realms”, we have arranged a program featuring “Face to Face with Jeff Lu”. During the program, our guests of honor will glimpse into the mysterious world of mounting while enjoying finger food in a relaxed atmosphere. Through Jeff Lu’s introduction and illusion, our guests will have a hands-on experience to practice and learn techniques of mounting a Chinese-Ink painting, and witness and be amazed by the wisdom displayed through ancient techniques of mounting, such as leveling the painting of ruffled and thin paper into a perfectly smooth surface. This free-of-charge, lively, and interesting activity will absolutely be a worthwhile trip.

For those who have great ardor for painting, this is not only one good exhibition leading you into the world of art, but also an activity perfect for the whole family to enjoy. We sincerely invite you to enjoy this wonderful exhibition. Do not miss this great opportunity to delve in depth into Lu’s works.

For more information, please visit:



主題: 進入有趣的中國畫扥裱世界

在全世界的繪畫藝術裡,中國水墨畫的發展歷史不僅悠長,所使用的技法更是獨樹一格,蘊含的人類智慧堪稱絕妙。為讓灣區喜愛繪畫藝術的朋友能從“頌讚·四境情緣–2008 陸源新春畫展”中獲得最大的樂趣,對中國水墨畫的創作過程有更具體的了解,展期中特別安排了一個與陸源面對面的溫馨小聚。


For further information, please visit:


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