Monday, July 21, 2008

My Exhibition 我的展覽: “Family Treasure 傳家寶2008" Calligraphy Collection Open studio


"FAMILY TREASURE 傳家寶2008" Calligraphy Collection by Jeff Lu


Open Time: Sat.–Sun., 7/5–7/6 & 7/12–7/13/2008,12- 6 PM
Other Time: Please call service line for appointment
Place: Redcaly Art Lovers Club

Address: 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd., #104, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: Service Line: 408-580-7232, Fax: 408-996-2831





作品展覽地點:4880 Stevens Creek Blvd.,#104,San Jose;開放時間:中午12時至下午6時。欲知活動詳情,請與活動負責人郎豪莉小姐聯絡408-580-7232。


Artist’s Word

It’s been decades since I was first introduced to calligraphy by my grandfather when I was six; during this period of time despite being interrupted by events in life, I have never doubted my passion and love for calligraphy.

The origin of Chinese calligraphy can be traced back to the early days of China. As an artistic item, the evolution and transition of calligraphy can hardly be put in just a few words. As a veteran learner for decades, I also embrace high expectations for my own artistic expression whether if I will create a new phase in the realm of calligraphy in 21st century in addition to showing the utmost respect to the efforts and results by these Chinese calligraphers of all the past dynasties.

I deem Chinese calligraphy to be a result of “writing” and “lettering” or a result of “abstract expression,” rather than “drawing.” “Abstract expression” is distinct from “drawing” with its exterior writing style and the perception of its intrinsic spirit.

Anyone who has brought himself into contact with Chinese calligraphy will learn that the good mastery of calligraphy will attribute to long lasting and diligent practice, thus leading many to consider it a good way to cultivate their minds. More than a composition of the eight principles of “Yong” simply covering the presentation of brushworks of dot, horizontal, vertical, left-falling and right-falling strokes or a display of variant patterns, calligraphy is the integral embodiment cohering thousand years of cultural and artistic profundity in Chinese history. More than diligent practice, the imperative principle to have a good mastery of the “writing” or “lettering” state of the calligraphy is to go deep into the state of “abstract expression.” The lack of solid foundation in Chinese learning and long lasting inner tranquility and introspection will not lead to its true essence.

The accomplishment of “writing,” “lettering” and “abstract expression” presented by calligraphy will eventually lead to a realm of “creation,” thus posing the real challenges to a calligrapher who will start to demonstrate his actual strength.

Having dedicated my life to calligraphy more than four decades, I have found Chinese calligraphy a remarkable work in the global realm of arts with the advancement of age and experience. As an artist of Chinese descent resided in US for two decades, I can assure myself that it’s rare for someone like me as an artist who still keeps delving in the world of calligraphy and searching for the breakthrough to produce extraordinary results. Alongside being engrossed in the wonder of the calligraphy, I am in high expectation of producing distinctive works of calligraphy to embody the signification and spirit of era and make great contribution to calligraphic art, in hopes of turning myself into a new “leading man” in the international world of calligraphy.

I sincerely look forward to having your visiting and feedback, and hope my works will bring joy and meaning to your life.

Jeff Lu in 2008





任何對中國書法稍有了解的人都知道,要想寫得一手好字就少不得長時間的苦練。也因此許多人把練字當成是修身養性的好方法。但書法絕非僅僅一個“永字八法”的結構組合,簡單的涵蓋點、横、豎、撇、捺等筆法表現,或是作一些變體的圖案展示而已,更多的是中國數千年文化藝術深度凝聚的整體展現。所以,要“寫”或是“書”好書法,除了苦練之外,根本之務是要能 “意”好書法。而要進入“意”的境界,沒有扎實的國學根底,長時間的心靈沉澱和反思,是難以領略其中真諦的。

而在“寫”、“書” 和“意”好書法之後,最終還要能進入“創作”的境界。而此時才是挑戰和展現一位書法家實力的時候。



陸源 2008


Artwork Contant 作品內容
人和 2008 18x24 in
大器 2008 18x24 in
亨通2008 18x24 in
百意2007 21x29 in
信心2008 18x24 in
多福 2008 18x24 in
英氣 2007 21x29 in
自在 2008 18x24 in
祥光 2008 18x24 in
奔流 2008 18x24 in
弘毅 2007 21x29 in
思源 2008 18x24 in
坦然 2008 18x24 in
卓約 2008 18x24 in
有餘 2008 18x24 in
清和 2008 18x24 in
華風 2008 18x24 in
超然 2008 18x24 in
福田 2008 18x24 in
虛懷 2008 18x24 in
謙沖 2008 18x24 in
晨韻 2008 18x24 in
靜逸 2008 18x24 in
豁達 2008 18x24 in
遠觀 2008 18x24 in
樂觀 2008 18x24 in
四海心 2007 21x36 in
天行健 2007 21x36 in
廣視聽 博則精 2007 56x14 in
君子之風 山高水長 2007 56x14 in
惜福 2008 18x24 in
輝煌 2008 8x24 in
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